
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Three Month Stock

Just under three months ago I made the big decision to move out on my own! The choice was actually thrust upon me rather than completely up to me, but the outcome is the same. It's funny how things just seem to fall into place when they are right.  I've come to really appreciate having my own place. Not only am I in complete control of what goes on in my apartment, but I've also grown to love the solitude I get from being by myself.  That was something I wasn't used to, living with my family for eight months after finishing school. I have had the opportunity to learn more about myself- who I am, what I'm interested in and where I want to be in the future.
I have been immensely blessed since I have moved back home.  I have a good job at one of the hospitals here in Tallahassee which has been very good to me. It has allowed me to save a lot of money, finish paying off my car, and afford to comfortably live on my own. All of which I am incredibly grateful for.
There is no doubt in my mind that all of these, and many other blessings, have come from righteously living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As I have exerted faith this past year in moving home and settling down close by my family, I have been shown countless times the love that God has for me. I've seen glimpses of the potential He sees in me, and have felt His enabling power as I have worked on progressing both temporally and spiritually.

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